Hi, my name is
I'm an undergraduate student majoring in Computer Science at Hunter College located in NYC. Currently pursuing opportunities to learn more about fullstack web development.
I'm an aspiring software engineer who enjoys constantly learning and working with new technologies. I also enjoy the camaraderie found among supportive and interactive friendships. Through these friendships I learned that perseverance and optimism go hand in hand towards success.
Gaming platform with various minigames. Stores users onto database and implement user auth
A web app that displays Gifs based on user input and filters by applying AJAX principles to make HTTP requests to the Giphy API.
Simple Weather App created with React JS, using a weather API from OpenWeatherMap.
Utilizes NYC Open Data and Google Maps API to help users locate unlocked WiFi hotspots near them.
Generates two encrypted hash tables of passwords as the values and uses test cases to "hack" into the hash tables.
Each player gets a random deck of 15 cards, select which strategy to use and returns the winners ID
Feel free to contact me! A simple Hello is always welcome.